Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Twenty one years ago...

Today, abortion was legalized in Canada. And I for one am proud of that fact, well and also the fact that there are no laws regulating abortion & yet our abortion rate is two or three times lower than that of the U.S. Take a look at the above graph for example. Although it compares abortion rates among teens, but even though our abortion rate in general is lower than that of the U.S. even though politicians in various states are trying to outlaw it.

Sorry about the graph, I didn't think it'd be so blurry.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Whatever happened to personal responsibility?

By now you have probably heard about 34 charges being laid in the case of three teens drinking and driving. And quite frankly, I don't get why so many charges were laid when it was the teens that chose to drink and drive. Seriously, when did our society become a "everyone else is to blame except me" society? Cause I'd really like to know.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why is it...

That Lincoln day is always celebrated on Lincoln's birthday, but Martin Luther King Jr day is tomorrow, even though his birthday was this past Thursday (Jan 15)?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My two cents on polygamy.

You probably know by now that arrests have been made in Bountiful, B.C. And of course, there has been some backlash by religious fundies saying "it's a violation of freedom of religion" or in other words, that it goes against the Charter. Well I hate to tell you this folks, but freedom of religion is not absolute. If it were, Muslims would legally allowed to practice Female Circumcision here.

Can someone please tell me what's the big deal..

About Obama's inauguration? Is it just because he's (half) black, or was there this much media frenzy back in '93 when Bill Clinton was inaugurated?