Seriously, she has a miscarriage, tries to get pregnant again & fails. And now she & her husband are trying artificial insemination. Not to mention, she already has a kid, she's 41, her husband is 67. Gee is it any wonder she had a miscarriage, then failed to get pregnant afterwards??? And if she wanted to have another child, why would she wait 8 years after having her first one? Why wouldn't she take a break for a few years after the birth of her son to try to have another kid?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Is Celine Dion nuts?
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 11/11/2009 0 comments
Labels: baby crazy celebs., childfree
Saturday, August 29, 2009
good fricking grief!
Yeah it's quite some time since my last blog post. Why you ask? I'm not really sure why, I guess it's because I'm not really good at coming up with titles. Anyways on with the blog. Earlier this week, some panel recommended that the provinicial government pay for fertility treatments for singles, HIV positive people and also fund in vitro for 3 cycles for women under the age of 42.
My thoughts: If you can't afford to pay for more than one cycle of in vitro w/o success, well then perhaps you shouldn't be having kids in the first place. After all it costs $300,000 to raise a child from birth to 18 years of age. And besides deciding to have kids (or not) is a personal & private decision, so why would anyone in their right mind want the government to step in such a personal & private matter?
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 8/29/2009 0 comments
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Science or religion?
That's a rhetorical question btw. The reason for the question is because an expert on polar bears was barred from a meeting in Denmark. Claiming that "Dissenting views on human induced climate change are not good". Sound like religion much?
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 7/07/2009 0 comments
Labels: global warming, religion, science
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I'm so pissed I don't know what to title this.
A 21 year old woman who already has a one year old & is pregnant with her second, has been refused a tubal by her OB. Because she is "too young". Which is such bullshit, because if she's old enough to have a toddler & a soon-to-be newborn, obviously she is old enough to have her tubes tied.
But then again, we live in a child centric world where a woman in her early twenties is old enough to have children, but yet too young to get a tubal. And yet tubals can be reversed, whereas children are forever (and I mean that as in, once you become a parent, there's no going back, not as children will live forever).
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 6/11/2009 0 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard
As a woman who doesn't wear makeup, I was pissed when I read that. Seriously, of all the possible reasons to fire someone, management picked the most shallow: to fire a waitress for refusing to wear makeup. Granted, management can fire anyone for any reason they like, but even so, to fire someone over something trivial such as not wearing makeup? Gimme a break!!!!!
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 5/26/2009 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
How could facebook be responsible for this?
Apparently, last month a Newfoundland man's lawsuit was foiled, due in part to facebook. However the article states that he suffered injuries in two separate car crashes, once in 2001 & once in 2003. Whereas facebook wasn't created until 2004.
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 5/11/2009 0 comments
Monday, April 27, 2009
What better solution than to ban something?
Geez, the provinicial government seems to have an obsession with banning things. First it was pit bulls, then idling, now cellphones while driving are also banned (even though none of the other deadly distractions are banned). I mean really, if they were gonna ban cellphone use in cars, why wouldn't they also ban loud music, putting on makeup/changing clothes, eating, drinking (other than alochol) while driving as well?
It'll be interesting to see if this ban actually works or if cellphone use while driving will instead increase. Something tells me the latter is a helluva lot more likely.
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 4/27/2009 0 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
I can't help but wonder...
With tea parties across the U.S. this past week, I wonder if there'll be a similar revolt across ontario against the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST).
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 4/17/2009 0 comments
Labels: taxes
Monday, April 13, 2009
I guess the left was right...
When it comes to our troops being in Afghanistan, that is. Because although I initially supported the war in Afghanistan, the news about a law making it illegal for women to refuse sex w/ their husbands (unless she's ill or if intercourse will harm her) has my support dwindling. Because after all, what's the point of our troops being there if the Afghan government is gonna go back centuries in regards to human rights?
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 4/13/2009 0 comments
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
This is sickening.
I mean why would anyone sell their kid into marriage for money, beer & meat? And what's even more outrageous is the fact that this man only faces up to 10 years in prison.
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 4/08/2009 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
I applaud the federal governemnt...
Let me just say that I do not own a gun but I'm opposed to gun control. So when I first read that PM Stephen Harper & the Conservatives are going to bring a bill to abolish the gun registry to a vote, I was/still am damn proud of the federal government. And now I definitely know who I'll be voting for, come election time (which probably won't be for a while, hopefully).
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 3/23/2009 2 comments
Friday, March 06, 2009
Welcome to Canada: Land of Injustice!
Seriously, do we even have a justice system? The reason I ask is because about a month ago I finished reading Wrongfully Convicted in Canada, which explains how David Millgard, Guy Paul Moran, Steven Truscott et al spent time in jail for crimes they didn't commit, yet Vincent Lie, who murdered Tim McLean was practically freed. All because he is mentally ill, he was considerd "not criminally responsible" for murdering Tim Mclean.
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 3/06/2009 0 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Yet Another reason why I don't want kids.
Pregnancy is one of the most hormonal times in a woman's life. And it was bad enough that I went through my hormonal phase, adolesence & I don't wanna go through another very hormal phase in my life: Pregnancy.
Read the story above to find out why.
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 2/18/2009 0 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Happy Darwin Day.
200 years ago Today, Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury England. And am I forever grateful, for if it wasn't for him, the whole world would still believe the biblical story of Adam & Eve as how we humans came to be. Of course Darwin didn't introduce the theory of evolution when he was born. In fact it wasn't until 50 years later, in 1859 that he wrote The Origin of Species.
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 2/12/2009 0 comments
Labels: Charles Darwin, Evolution.
Friday, February 06, 2009
60 year Calgary woman gives birth to twins
I wonder, if she has been trying for 43 years to have a child & she miscarried almost every time, why wouldn't she adopt, say, 25 years ago? Not to mention, why would she start trying to conceive at 17? I mean wasn't she still in school then?
And in about 10 years, she'll be old enough to be a great grandma. So when her boys are in grade 5, they'll have a conversation with their peers that'll go something like: Ethan: My mom is 36.
Twin A and Twin B: Our mom is 70, Ethan: Gee, your mom is as old as my great grandma. That is, assuming she's still alive.
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 2/06/2009 0 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Twenty one years ago...
Today, abortion was legalized in Canada. And I for one am proud of that fact, well and also the fact that there are no laws regulating abortion & yet our abortion rate is two or three times lower than that of the U.S. Take a look at the above graph for example. Although it compares abortion rates among teens, but even though our abortion rate in general is lower than that of the U.S. even though politicians in various states are trying to outlaw it.
Sorry about the graph, I didn't think it'd be so blurry.
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 1/28/2009 0 comments
Labels: abortion
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Whatever happened to personal responsibility?
By now you have probably heard about 34 charges being laid in the case of three teens drinking and driving. And quite frankly, I don't get why so many charges were laid when it was the teens that chose to drink and drive. Seriously, when did our society become a "everyone else is to blame except me" society? Cause I'd really like to know.
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 1/20/2009 0 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Why is it...
That Lincoln day is always celebrated on Lincoln's birthday, but Martin Luther King Jr day is tomorrow, even though his birthday was this past Thursday (Jan 15)?
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 1/18/2009 0 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
My two cents on polygamy.
You probably know by now that arrests have been made in Bountiful, B.C. And of course, there has been some backlash by religious fundies saying "it's a violation of freedom of religion" or in other words, that it goes against the Charter. Well I hate to tell you this folks, but freedom of religion is not absolute. If it were, Muslims would legally allowed to practice Female Circumcision here.
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 1/13/2009 0 comments
Labels: polygamy.
Can someone please tell me what's the big deal..
About Obama's inauguration? Is it just because he's (half) black, or was there this much media frenzy back in '93 when Bill Clinton was inaugurated?
Posted by CF_Right-wing_Atheist at 1/13/2009 0 comments
Labels: race., U.S. politics